Route 04-04
  • 2 days / 1 night

    The duration of the tour.
  • 600 km.

    The total length of the tour
  • from April to October

  • sunset/sunrise in the Karynzharyk basin

    The special feature of the tour
  • an off-road vehicle or an all-terrain bus of the PAZ brand

    Type of transport
  • Russian-speaking / Kazakh-speaking / English-speaking

    A professional guide to choose from
  • In tents

    Type of placement
  • Independently or ordering catering.

    Type of food
Day 1
Aktau city – Karagie depression, protected a – Onere spring – Karynzharyk depression, overnight in tents.
In the morning, departure from Aktau city.

On this route you will visit one of the deepest depressions, popularly called the "Black Mouth". You will learn about the geographical features of the peninsula, its deserts, mountains and depressions, with an inspection of the Karagie depression, at 116 m below the level of the world ocean. An excursion to the protected part of the territory of the Karagie depression. Driving along the flat takyrs and along the sandy dunes of Karagie, you will discover the variety of landscapes of the depression. A walk among the dense thickets of tamarisk, with an inspection of the rocks of amazing shapes and colors, as well as a visit to the lake, framed by dense thickets of reeds.
On the way, stop at the Honore spring. The spring is surrounded by dense thickets of reeds and tamarisk.

In the evening, arrival at the Karynzharyk depression.
You will have to watch the sunset from the height of the Ustyurt plateau, slowly sinking below the horizon of the Karynzharyk depression and illuminating the "batyr mountains".
Overnight in tents.
Day 2
Karynzharyk depression is the city of Aktau
Early morning sunrise watching. After breakfast, an introductory walk around the area. Karynzharyk is a depression 70 meters below the world Ocean. The bottom of the depression is a salt marsh. Five mountains rise above the Kenderlinsky sor, the height of each of the mountains is 150 meters.

In the evening, return to Aktau city. End of service
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