Children of Besen: Zhapar, Aben, Balta, Berniyaz, Taganiyaz, Kalniyaz. They are popularly known as the "Five mischievous Besen", only the eldest son Japar was calmer than the others. Although they were called naughty, they were "just mischief-makers". To the children of Besen, this mischievous quality must have been passed down through the maternal line from the Alash clan. The heroic qualities passed down from father to son can be seen in his descendants to this day. For example, according to historical data, during the peasant uprising of 1870 led by Isa-Dosan in Mangistau, nine bogatyrs from the descendants of Kulbalasy set out from Shaiyr to defeat Rukin's troops in Ushauyz. Five of these nine heroes are Besen's children. After that, during the Adai uprising of 1931, the descendants of Besen took part in the battles that took place in Fort Aleksandrovsk.
Based on the translation of Nurlan Kulbai from documents written in Arabic, according to data found during research in the Orenburg archive:
"In 1836, Akbota Tasbolatuly Olzhabai, Bektasuly Zhanabergen and Bisen, being citizens, and we are from the Zorbai tribe: Otegul Shakauly Bektau, Kulbalasy Kydyralyuly Besen and Kerderi (Shegem) Khankeldiuly Shaktu redeemed and freed three Russians from slavery. "To the commandant of the Russian military fortress in Kyzyltas, we handed over three of our Russians, liberated from Zhylkaydar, the Turkmenadai family and Kunanorys Sabak. I attached my tamga Besen," the message says. (Fund 6, Inventory 10, File 4512).